Community First Senior Living Blog

6 Signs It May Be Time To Look Into Assisted Living For Your Loved One

older adult male with adult daughter, Indian, daughter hugging dad

As parents and older loved ones age, they go through changes that can be noticeable and concerning to those closest to them. When do these changes become indicators that it may be time to discuss providing more care for these older adults outside of their homes? There are a few tell-tale signs that it is time to begin researching assisted living communities and available resources. Take a look at the six signs it may be time to consider a caring community for someone you know.

Changes in Hygiene
Have you begun to notice your loved one not keeping up with washing their hair or becoming forgetful when it comes to wearing the same outfit repeatedly without washing it? Perhaps you have even recognized that they have not been brushing their teeth or bathing regularly when they normally are on top of basic hygienic routines. As adults age, this is an important aspect to pay attention to as it can progress to forgetfulness in other aspects of your family member’s daily life and routine.

Expired Food in the Fridge
The random mystery container of last month’s leftover meatloaf happens, but if you begin to see numerous everyday items that have expired in the refrigerator, this can be cause for concern. Staples that are normally used in everyday life like milk, butter, eggs, and other items that are frequently used that have gone well beyond their use-by date, should be noted. These items if consumed not only can create odors but if ingested can make your loved one ill and also means they have not been eating these foods either.

Missed Appointments, Unpaid Bills
The day-to-day scramble of managing your social calendar, kid’s sports schedules, and ensuring the phone bills get paid on time can be hard to keep track of for anyone. When your family member begins to miss appointments that they have formerly been quite diligent at attending, this is a sign to pay attention to. Keep an eye out for piles of bills/unopened mail or discover other “final notice” items collected on the kitchen table. This can be a sign of poor monetary management which could become a larger problem down the road if it persists.

Weight Loss
If your parent has started to lose weight and noticeably looks thinner, this could be contributed to lack of nutrition in the home, inability to make meals for themselves anymore, forgetfulness to actually eat. Perhaps your loved one has resorted to only making microwavable, processed meals and has a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. The proper nutrition may not be met with their current diet and may need to be evaluated.

Anxious to be Alone
When older adults begin to not feel comfortable being on their own, when they may have once relished in having their alone time, it could be a sign to look into more care. Feeling anxious can take an emotional toll on a loved one, and present unwelcome stress in their lives living at home. This may even create unease and worry for caregiving family members who fret over having to leave them alone.

Repeating Information
Everyone has retold the same story twice to someone they know on accident, but when information is reiterated over and over again to the same person within a short timeframe, this can be concerning. A family member who is consistently repeating themselves may be exhibiting signs of early dementia, depression, isolation, or something acute like a UTI. Regardless of the cause, repeating information isn’t necessarily a part of “normal again” and might need to be addressed.

Have you noticed these signs? What now?
You are not alone, and the first step is recognizing that your parent, family member, or loved one is at a stage where they are in need of more personal care and attention. Start considering the following:
•What kind of unit is ideal? A studio or a 1 bedroom?
•Does it involve a move to a different city or state to be near family?
•Is it time to get organized at home? Time to clear out storage, and declutter in preparation for a move down the road.
•Complete a residency application. Having an approved application completed and being added to an official waiting list can provide significant peace of mind and is an important step in the process.

What can you do today?
Download our free guide to learn more about assisted living, including services, amenities and the benefits of living with our assistance. Get your copy today!

For Assisted Living questions, information, or to schedule a tour, please call 513-896-8080 or Contact Us online.

April 2, 2024 | Marketing Essentials